In person safety policies for clients who would like to visit therapists in person. Including Risk assessment, Group Practice Policies and BONUS 5 email templates.
WHAT IS INCLUDED?Risk Assessment
A document including details of the risk, people at risk and what measures and preparations can be taken.Suggestions included.
Presented in table format with space for recording date of completion.
Covid-19 Policies
This is a document containing details of the measures and preparations you are taking, your boundaries and requests of clients. It can be used in conjunction with your Therapy Contract for new and existing clients or provided as a standalone document.
Client Acknowledgement
The Client Acknowledgement is an optional section where a therapist might ask a client to record that they have received and agreed to the safety measures and requests.
Group Practice/Landlords’ letter to tenants
This document is a letter addressed to tenants and employees informing them of the measures and preparations you are taking, your boundaries and requests of them.
Email Templates
Email templates for use in the event of exposure or infection of Covid-19 from therapist to colleagues or clients. And an email letting clients know you are switching or staying online for the foreseeable future, just in case.
Reviewed by lawyers March 2020 and updated September 2021.

Are your Covid-19 Policies complete?
Print this checklist out to make sure all your bases are covered and you are prepared for in person practice.